Frequently Asked Questions

HIPSA > Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently asked questions

Scholar or School Leaver – A student interested in Hospitality and Tourism as a future career path.

Candidate Member – An individual working within the Hospitality and Tourism Industry that is in the process of working towards or studying towards a professional designation.

ETD Practitioner Member (Hospitality Industry) – Register as a Facilitator, Assessor and / or Moderator including the cost of a designation according to set criteria.

Professional Membership – A professionally designated person in terms of the NQF Act (Act 67 of 2008).

Corporate Membership– Entities operating and providing services within or affiliated to the Hospitality Industry, including related industry and labour unions.

Service Provider Member– Companies and organisations authorised / recognised by the Professional Body to provide Training and Assessment according to the set criteria.

Honorary Member – Individuals, organisations or groups who have made a significant contribution to the Hospitality Industry within South Africa over an extended period of time. As per set criteria.

  • Promote the status of professionals in the Hospitality Industry by professional registration to enhance the pride of all those involved in the Industry
  • Benchmarking against International Best Practices.
  • Co-operate with the relevant Quality Council for Trade Occupations in respect of qualifications and quality assurance in its occupational field.
  • To promote the status of NDT professionals by professional registration to enhance the pride of all involved in the NDT industry
  • Protect the interests and the professional status of its members.
  • To encourage social responsibility and accountability within the NDT profession through a code of ethics
  • Encourage international leading practice and the raising of esteem for all NDT professions in South Africa
  • Monitor its professional designations in terms of its own rules/legislation and/or international best practice.
  • Set criteria for, promote and monitor continuing professional development (CPD) for its members to meet the relevant professional designation requirements
  • Be a legally constituted entity with the necessary human and financial resources to undertake its functions, and to be compliant with, and adhere to, good corporate governance practices
  • Manage the revocation of designations, as well as disciplinary matters, appeals and complaints in a transparent manner and in terms of its own rules, legislation and/or international best practice.
  • To implement and maintain a fully functional information management system compatible with the National Learners’ Records Database.
  • Co-operate with the relevant Quality Committees in respect of qualifications and quality assurance in its occupational field.

A body constituted to represent and/or regulate a recognised community of expert practitioners.

A recognised professional body must register its professional with SAQA. (South African Qualification Authority)

The Policy Criteria for Recognizing a Professional Body and Registering a Professional Designation for the purposes of the National Qualifications Framework Act, Act 67 of 2008, was approved by the SAQA Board on 27 June 2012 and promulgated in the Government Gazette on 27 July 2012.

SAQA Definition
Professional body” means any body of expert practitioners in an occupational field, and includes an occupational body.

“Professional designation” means a title or status conferred by a professional body in recognition of a person’s expertise and/or right to practice in an occupational field