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A wide range of services related to food, accommodation, includes motels, hotels, game lodges, resorts,  restaurants, additional facilities ranging from chisa nyamas to institutional catering, The sector is largely dominated by Small, Medium and Micro sized enterprises (SMMEs), most of which are owner-managed businesses, with the owner playing a significant role in the day-to-day running of the business. Cruise ships, resort accommodations, spas, bed and breakfasts, retirement communities any other place that affords overnight accommodation can also be factored into the mix.

GDP contribution

This sector directly contributed 3,5% to GDP in 2022, up from 2,3% in 2021 and 2,1% in 2020, but below the 2019 pre-pandemic contribution of 3,7%. In 2022, the tourism sector’s direct contribution to GDP was larger than three industries: construction, agriculture and utilities (electricity, gas & water supply).